About me
Hi there,
My name is Thomas I am the Founder of ACTN. I started this brand with the intention of helping others take action in their own lives. I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis right at the beginning of 2024. This incurable disease is the third one I have been diagnosed with in my life. I remember the day that I was admitted in to the hospital back in October of 2023 like it was last week. October 17, 2023 was a day that changed my life forever, this was the day that I had a flair so bad that it sent me to the hospital where they kept me over night doing all sorts of scans and test to figure out what was going on in my body. The morning of the 18th after I woke up they told me, I had multiple lesions on my brain and need to see a specialist immediately. Fast forward a few months I was diagnosed with MS. The initial response I had to this news was not light. I remember right after the doctor had told me that I had MS, my ears started ringing and time felt like it was in slow motion, the words coming out of the doctors mouth after that were just noise, I didn't know what to feel, what to think, I was simply lost. I remember the doctor asking me if I had any other questions about the treatment plans which replied with " I am extremely hot, I think I need to go get some water" the doctor looked at me realizing I was sweating and followed me to the bathroom where in the the hall way before I even made it in there, I had a panic attack and got vertigo to the point where I had to just lay down in the middle of the hallway with the doctor explaining to me that it is ok to feel this way right now. Once I gathered myself we were able to resume the conversation with the correct treatment plan for me to get ahead of the disease and slow the progression down. I made my decision and started treatment right away.
The following months were the months that I really spent figuring out what I wanted in life. Learning to accept the things I can't control and work with the things I can. Discovering the importance of learning to love myself whole heartedly, learning to accept my new normals. The one thing that I promised myself no matter what was that I am going to take ACTION in my life every single day until I cant. I was going to push my self further than I ever had, do things I've never done, go places I've never been, LIVE THE LIFE I WANT TO LIVE! I was going to take ACTION!
Every day I live by the pledge of what ACTN stands for.
I hold my self Accountable
I will continue to remain Consistent, even if its not perfect
I will be Transparent with my self and those around me
I will accept New Beginnings
This is more than just an apparel brand, this is a lifestyle, a pledge, or an oath that I want us all to live by, because in doing so you will realize there is a side of you that you deserve to know! The best life you could ever want is right in front of you. It all starts with taking ACTN!